Vanessa Heron

Vanessa Heron

Members Gallery Back to gallery Vanessa Heron I managed to spend three years studying Fine Art in Stoke on Trent in the early 1990’s without ever going near the ceramics studios. I did start collecting and appreciating ceramics while I was there, but didn’t ever have...
Jan Tomei

Jan Tomei

Members Gallery Back to gallery Jan Tomei Jan Tomei Ceramics I had worked in International Banking in the City of London for many years and in 1995  I decided to leave. I had had more than my share of 7:30 breakfast meetings and late nights. Initially I enrolled on a...
Doris Mitchell

Doris Mitchell

Members Gallery Back to gallery Doris Mitchell In younger years Doris lived in Germany, England, Switzerland, France, Belgium and tried out pottery evening classes in most places after having enjoyed using clay at school.   She finally got down to...
Arlene Ramage

Arlene Ramage

Members Gallery Back to gallery Arlene Ramage I come from a practical, creative family, learning to knit, sew and help my father with DIY and building projects from a young age. I have no formal ceramics training,  studying radiography at college after leaving school...
Janet Jackson

Janet Jackson

Members Gallery Back to gallery Janet Jackson I have been a member of the Kent Potters Association since 1980 and in the past Chairman, Secretary, Newsletter editor and the leader of the co-operative of the KPA Gallery in Maidstone in Kent. As a child my hands were...